Interlogix Security
How to Connect the Interlogix UltraSync Hub to the Homeowners Wi-Fi
This is how to connect the Interlogix UltraSync hub to the internet using the homeowner's Wi-Fi network. Note that connecting the Hub to a Wi-Fi network is not necessary if it is connected directly using an Ethernet cable. From the browser, go to Menu and select Settings. Under Settings Selector, use the drop-down menu to select “WiFi Setup”. Next, select “Scan for Wireless Networks” and choose the homeowner's network. Be sure to wait until scanning is complete before you make this
selection. Once the network has been selected, ask the homeowner to enter their Wi-Fi password,
then select Okay. When the network has successfully connected, a notification will be shown.
Now, let's confirm the Hub connection to the Wi-Fi network. It is advised to wait a couple of
minutes before going through this step since it takes the Hub some time to establish an internet
The following steps are completed using the keypad on the Hub.
Press menu, 8 and your installer code. Press Enter and then 6. The IP address will then be
announced. If no IP address is found wait a couple more minutes, then press 6 again to see if the
IP address is announced.
If the IP address is not found or is announced as “”, restart the Wi-Fi setup process.